Dear Blog,
It has been almost three weeks since my last post and I am sorry for the time away, but as summer is in full swing, we are just trying our best to keep up! As it has been so long, I will try to catch up and bring the Smith Family Blog current~ =)
We spent Memorial Day weekend on Lake Blue Ridge in the north Georgia Mountains and had a great time with a great group of friends. We hiked, kayaked, played board games, ate great food, tubed the Ochoe River and stayed up way too late each night just talking after all the kids were tucked into bed. We had a great time and hope to go back this fall with the Douglas Clan.

Mia Getting a ride on the hike to the waterfalls.

One of the last Drive-in Movie
Theatres in Georgia.

Although the kids loved the lake, the hot tub was their favorite spot to get wet.
~Happy Birthday twice~
The end of May means Happy Birthday to Gent and I, and another year older for each of us! Yikes!!! (Total Candles on that cake between the two of us are now numbering a disturbing 68!)
~Pack Meeting~
Brenner had another
Cub Scout Pack Meeting and added several more Belt Loops and Patches to his growing stash.
~The School Year came to an end~
Brenner has loved
Ms. Mitchell and she has taught him so much this last year. Her class had the highest class average on the
CRCT for the entire school, and Brenner scored in the
excellent range on the math portion. We found out that Ms. Mitchell will be moving from 2
nd to 3rd grade next year and will be
taking all her students with her. This makes Brenner and his classmates very happy.

Brenner at his end of year Pizza Party.
Mr. Hendrix is the teacher of the century in our book, and is truly amazing!
Cayden has learned so much from him and is sad to leave kindergarten behind. We can't believe little Cay Cay will be in 1st grade come fall! I think that he is
really BIG CAY CAY and we are just not willing to realize it quite yet!
Cayden and some of his friends at his last day Luau.
~Stone Mountain~

Brenner on Sky Hike
Cayden was not too sure about it, but he did it!

Mia on Baby Sky Hike
Miniature Men, Miniature Golfing
~Six Flags White Water~
Hanging out in the water park

Mia on a "FHITTING TURTLE" (spitting Turtle)

Splash Down! Cayden also went on the Tornado (forced against his wishes by Daddy) with Daddy and Brenner. That is one scary water slide even by adult standards! He cried and was mad at Gent for a bit for throwing him onto the tube at the top and not letting him walk back down the steps in shame. =) or =( , I am not sure yet, as Cayden may be traumatized for some time to come.

Brenner engaging in his favorite past time! GETTING WET!
~Cub Scout Day Camp~
This year both Brenner and Cayden attended Cub Scout Camp for a week, What fun!

Brenner Shot BB's each day, and by day five shot 3 out of 5 BB's into the center of the bulls eye with all five hitting the target! Nice Shooting TEX! Cayden on the other hand shoots more like Ralphie, you know, the one who shot his eye out!

Cayden liked hunting Indian style better~ our little Thunder Cub!

But don't mess with Cayden when he is armed with a Marshmallow Shooter! He will get you for sure, if he does not eat all his ammo first!

Lunch time Tiger Cub Style.
Well, I hope that updates the blog and brings the Smith Story current for a few more days as after all, this weekend is Mia's Birthday Luau~ She is turning 3 if you can believe that! I for one can not! Until next time~