Have these Silly Bnadz hit your school yet? Well if not- BEWARE, because they are coming. One day several weeks ago, Brenner came home from school with a colored elastic band on his wrist. I asked him about it and he said it was a silly band. I thought, that is silly, we at least had "Jelly Bracelets" that were more than a colored rubber band back in the day. Well turns out they turn into shapes when you take them off your wrist, some glow in the dark, some glitter, and the new ones are even tie-dyed!?!?! Brenner found another on the playground and started trading with his classmates. In no time he had turned those two into a wrist full and both boys are addicted!!! They are kinda cool (even the high school kids get into them, as Cayden made a trade with one of our priests at church last Sunday) Mia loves them too, but is having a hard time with the trading thing, she gave away her favorite (a pink glitter butterfly) the other day for something she later decided she did not really want and has cried about it ever since. Brenner, being the good big brother that he is, is on a mission to find her another one but Cayden on the other hand is just out for himself!!! He said: "trade one of my dinosaurs or sharks for a butterfly, are you crazy!"
12 years ago