Family Camping Trips
In September and October we camped out several times. With friends and without. All the trips were lots of fun for the kids but most of all, relaxing for Mom and Dad.

The trailer you see in the background in now ours and we look forward to many great years and lots of memories in "our little camper". It is just so nice to go camping and not be on the ground. The soft beds don't hurt either!

Mia and a fish she caught. As you can see, she is not to sure of what to do with it.... Daddy is not so sure either!

All the kids our kids like camping with.

I just think this picture is too cute!

And this is a picture of me included for all to see back home of how skinny I have become. I weigh in at 155 lately. No more doubble chin, those jeans are 29's and are falling to the ground and that is a medium size shirt I am wearing. All the old XL stuff just hangs on me like bags so it just hangs in the closset waiting and waiting to see if the weight will stay off. We are into the winter months when I usualy pack a little on and it has not come back yet.