It was forcasted to snow 4 to 6 inches on Sunday afternoon and we did not believe, but as we came out of Church, sure enough, it was coming down hard. It came down the rest of the evening, and made for a messy night. The Power went off at around 3:00 and did not look to be coming back on any time soon. Daddy lit the fireplace as this soon became the only light and heat for the house and the kids built a blankie fort in the front room. We had milk and smores by the fire and told stories and answered "what if" questions from the kids. Just as we were getting ready to lay down by the fireplace for the night, the power kicked back on and it was up to our soft beds, instead of the floor. It made for a very fun family night together.

As we went to bed we knew that School would be canceled the next day. The roads were all ice and Daddy stayed home with the kids and had a "Snow Day". The day was filled with sleeping in a bit later than normal, snowman building and hot chocolate drinking~ what a day! And look at that Snowman~ he rivals those made back in Utah~ that is a once in decade kind of Georgia Snowman!!!