This post is a bit late, as we have been home for almost two weeks now, but better late than never right?!?! We spent some time in Utah and had a great time. It is always great to be able to visit and catch up with family that we don't get to see enough. We spent a day in the snow, many nights just hanging out with family and the cousins, a afternoon with Bing and Lady, a morning with Stacy and Michael and ate at Nikki's favorite places, Rumbi's and Bajio's (twice).
We really had a great time only wishing that we would have had several more days to spend.

Up on the tubing slopes with Grams and Pa.
Although they did "tube" Stone Mountain this year, the boys had so much fun on a "real" snow hill with "real" snow. Check out those snow bibs on the boys form the late 70's- thanks for keeping us all warm Grams- retro is back in style....Right?

Little "Snow Angels".

The Bad Boys of Winter!

The visit with Bing and Lady- time always well spent! We love you guys!

This picture I just think is cool- it could almost be Cort and I, even down to the matching "twiner" camo pajama bottoms. Cayden had so much fun with Austin!

Hanging out with the Herrens- Thanks guys for all the fun and the great breakfast! You always remind us what the word "Friend" really means!