Wow! It has been over six weeks since our last update, and for our
faithful followers- (we realize there are most likely not any, but we are
hopeful!) we are sorry! Although it seems that we have been in Blog Hibernation, we have all been very busy and active, I promise! We just have not picked up the camera in a while I guess, and the one time we did, there was no memory card inserted- Crap! And as all who blog know that it is never any fun to post with out pictures- that is our excuse. I will try to reconstruct the last month and a half if I can. Here it goes-
The first week in April we had a ward
talent show that several of the guys from elders quorum got together and formed a rock band.
Talent or not it was lots of fun and we played
Weezers Buddy Holly,
complete with thick rimed glasses, black
spaghetti ties, and cardboard box speakers for us to destroy and jump into at the end as all great rock stars do! I was asked to emcee the event a week or so before and it turned into quite the show, with wardrobe changes, cheesy jokes and lots of crazy fun. As this was the night that the memory card was absent in the camera, if anyone has a picture of me dressed as
Carnack the Magnificent- I would love a copy! The above picture was pulled from another blog- Thanks

Brenner and
Cayden took the Georgia
CRCT and both think they did well. Although we will not know the scores for sure for another several weeks, they are both excelling in school and
Cayden has become quite the little reader and Brenner is our little
Mathematician (did not get that from his Daddy). And for those who were wondering- Yes
Cayden can now tell the
difference between two dimes and a twenty dollar bill! =)
Nikki has been studying in her spare time as well and passed with flying colors another
ARDMS Board the end of April. She is now certified in
Obstetrics & Gynecology! Way to go Foo Foo!!!
Around the first week in May our Elders Quorum shook up a bit and I am no longer the EQP in The Monroe Ward. After almost three years in the presidency in one form or another, it was time for a "MOVE". And not the kind of "MOVE" that has dominated much of my time over the past several years! =) Looking back, it has been a lot of fun mingled with a lot of hard work, personal growth and lessons learned. If after three years I only take away the words and teaching of our extremely wise and wonderful Relief Society President, lesson and skill well learned.
"If you are going to error, error on the side of charity."

Hopefully many of
those lessons learned I can pass along to the 12-14 year old "
Boyz" of the ward as I am excited to be involved in the Boy Scout program. It will be lots of fun too, just of another type! Hiking, camping,
canoeing, knot tying, tent sleeping, boy building and tinfoil dinner eating..... Sounds like a good time to me! We have great leaders and great boys to turn into Eagles! Let's go troop 793!!!

Brenner and
Cayden's room
received a bit of a makeover. It was a little
unintended, but a trip to
IKEA for some kitchen nick
knacks, turned into new dressers, night stands, trophy
shelves, and some really cool reading lamps. The boys did need them as they have been sharing a dresser, and their various
trophies were
piling up. But
IKEA- shame on you!!!

Trip to Zoo Atlanta. That cute little baby Panda Bear is getting very big. It reminds me of our "cubs" getting to big. Stop growing kids!!!

We have decided that we are better pot and planter gardeners that entire scape ones, although our G
ardenias do have flower buds on them for the first time since they were planted. Georgia is so great this time of year and although it has been a little unseasonably hot, the heat makes everything grow as if it is on steroids. This is one of our hanging baskets on our back porch- what some miracle grow won't do!

And Club
FHE is
steadily growing too. We see growth each month and last month it seemed to be in Washington State!?! Something
happened in that corner of the country as five subscriptions came in form Washington in a week, it is funny as it is just about as far from Atlanta as one can get! Still waiting for that Alaska Subscription! =)
So other than a great Father and Son's camp out, and nice Mother's day weekend (surprise- no pictures), that just about catches us up to the current. The kids will be out of school soon and the summer will be in full swing. With all that comes along with busy summers, we will try to keep updated a little more often, and promise to take our camera with us more often!