The greatest happinesses are family happinesses.
Oh the kids had been holding their excitement from the day they heard Grams and Pa were coming to Georgia until their plane landed and the kids were half asleep.
The trip was sorta last minute and planned around Pa offering to come out and ordain me to the office of High Priest. It could not have been a better week, the weather (although a bit humid for Grams & Pa), the fun, the food, and the just good old family time spent doing nothing really! Past trips were planed around trips here and there and this visit was just good time spent together- it was "great time"! Swimming at the Tara pool.
Pup Pancakes of course!
Grams as always was the "cruise director" with all kinds of activities up her sleeve at any given moment. Sun Catchers, Finger Paints, Bubbles, Carmel Corn and many other Crafts made for "simple great times". Mia kept asking: "what 'actidity' is next Grams?" Even going through grams bags one time to get a jump start on the boys.
Mia and Grams reading and playing sticker princesses.
We had lots of fun at the Vines Park and Pond. Feeding the ducks and nature walking.
Down by the banks of the Hanky Panky were the Bullfrogs jump from bank to banky!
We stopped and bought some "boiled Peanuts" from a road side vendor and Pa thought they were great- but Grams could not quite get into the southern spirit of it all. As you can see, little Miss Mia thinks they are yummy! They are a bit of an acquired taste- I have acquired to love them!
After my high priest ordination and setting apart as a high councilor in the Athens Stake, I found out that my speaking assignment for the following Sunday was changed from a ward assignment to speaking in a branch. They are a bit different, and as such, I needed a first speaker and fast! Pa, without hesitation, offered to speak and we both spoke on aspects of Member Missionary Work. The Meeting was great and a bit of a relief, as speaking in a small branch as opposed to a full ward was a more natural transition I think. The members and the spirit in the Madison Branch were great, and having my parents and my family there with me for my first assignment I will remember forever! Great Day!
Speak, See and Hear no evil.