~11th Anniversary Cruise~

As our
11th anniversary was quickly
coming up and we had no plans, we looked around at the last
minute for something fun to do. The weekend in Savanna, a trip to the
Builtmore or NYC for several nights? After all the looking, we decided on what we have always loved.....
another cruise. It would be a short one, and bought at the last minute for a great deal (with food and entertainment included, much cheaper than the other options)! We decided there would be no excursions or schedules (Norwegian free-style cruising), just
rest, relaxation, sleeping in, food, fun and sun! In the spirit of ease and simplicity we even packed in only two very small c
arry-ons so we could get on and of planes and the boat without checking bags- Why have we never thought of this before, it is wonderful!

The first
meal of many, and about the only picture of food as we rarely
carried the camera around. Call it lazy? Maybe, but we called it

There were many other ships leaving the pier at Miami, and this is a picture of Nikki in front of Royal
Caribbeans Majesty of the Seas- The same ship that we were on for our
Honeymoon cruise almost 11 years ago to the day! Too crazy! As you can see, there was a storm on the horizon in Miami, but as we left port, the
weather was picture perfect for the next four days.

Dessert anyone? And yes we did
eat all four!

Playing the drums with the band
in the Bahamas.

A picture of us in front of the Norwegian Sky, it was a beautiful ship! And look at that
water- So clear and blue! In this port-
Nassau Bahamas, we just shopped for some stuff for the kids and then
went back to the ship for lunch and laid by the pool, sipped cold drinks and what
RELAXED! Before we left,
Cayden (surprise, surprise) asked if we were going to bring back "reminders" (he meant
souvenirs). We said that we were going to just get one
souvenir per kid- Right! They each ended up with four! As we
floated away, Nikki asked me at one point how often I have thought of the kids, and it seems crazy, but we came to the conclusion that we though of them at least hourly. You see a turtle and think of
Cayden, a cute little girl in a swimsuit about Mia's age, or the pink ice-cream and think of her, and we even saw a teenager with a plate of four
hot dogs and a mountain of french fries and said: there is Brenner in several years!
As much as you try to relax and get away, the best of what you have done over the last 11 years stays with you!!!

A great sunset on deck.
We just love the whole cruise
experience, the
sunsets at sea, watching the water go by and a cozy cabin with the
waves rocking away all your cares have always provided relaxation for us.

In keeping with the
beginning pact of "no tours or excursions this time" the next stop at
Norwegians private island was one of our
favorite days. We got off the ship on the first tender to the island, picked out two lounges by the sea, filled up our drink cups and sat in the sun! There was a Beach BBQ provided and a band playing island music. Just over the dunes and past the
palm trees were modern and clean bathrooms, but other than that, it was like we were in the middle of
nowhere- and
what a great place to be! We did kinda break the pact by renting
snorkel gear to go out and swim over the reefs and we were so glad that we did as this was the best snorkeling that we have ever done!
Beautiful fish! We saw Yellow Tangs, Black and White Zebra fish, Blue Damsels, corals and anemones, and even a Wild Sting Ray almost three feet wide. It was like
swimming through the opening part of
Finding Nemo! Again we commented on how much Brenner and
Cayden would have loved it! We also met a very nice couple on the beach from New York, Michele and Stuart, that we had lunch with and decided to meet up for dinner back on the ship and see that nights show together. We had a great time with them the last night. The next morning we
slept in one last time and off the ship and back to Atlanta. What wonderful days we had! We both commented that it seemed like much longer than four days had passed- and that was the point-
we lost track of time !
Back at home and the kids going to school in their Nassau Bahamas T-shirts and Islander made shell and bead bracelets! The kids had a great time with Mimi and Granddaddy and even went to
McDonald's for breakfast before school on Monday morning! Granddaddy knows how to keep them happy!
Thanks Mimi and Grandaddy for the time off and away- we had a great time!